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Austin Sunshine Carpenter

_21 y.o.

Austin was raised in a hippie commune for most of his childhood, but still feels like an outsider in the 'Real World.' After dropping out of high school to go on a two-year road trip of soul-searching across the country, he's still trying to figure out life, and his unpredictable 'P0WER' he's had since he was 14. Now an adult, Austin moved to New York City about a year ago, where the electric city turns out to be the first place where both he and his 'P0WER' can thrive.

By day, he works as a parks maintenance worker; by night, a bassist for an underground band in his Downtown neighborhood. It's enough to get by, and while the Bohemian life is a familiar one for him, the magnetism of the City beckons that he could be so much more. And with Cyrus now in town with the opportunity of a lifetime, maybe it's all just destiny...

Dale Cyrus ‘-Just Cyrus!’

_30 y.o.

Cyrus is a successful spokesperson for a prestigious electronics company, and also happens to be Austin's older cousin. Seven years in the business brings some cynicism for the game, but one that reassures him that he can still win it if he can outsmart it. Coming from a poor family, he takes pride in being self-made; he worked hard to get where he is now - using everything and everyone to their fullest to get even higher.

Cyrus was recently relocated to his company's New York City office to prepare for the annual electronics trade show, which is his first time reconnecting with Austin after five years. He was Austin's childhood role-model/ best friend/ biggest critic, so it's almost "like the old days." But now having a better understanding of Austin's potential as an adult, he is ready to help his little cousin "Sparky" find out what he can be.

Jordan Salazar

_23 y.o.

Jordan is a New York City native who wishes she was anywhere else. Raised by her grandparents, she learned at a young age the dangers of the city she calls "home", and all the ways she could get into trouble "like her mother did." After years of helping out the family bodega and her grandparents in their old age, she assumes a tough shell, and an unquestioned duty towards her family.

On top of that, she now juggles a part-time job as a computer technician at the night school class Austin just enrolled in. She senses something different about this new student, but isn't sure what - or why the computers have been more finicky lately. The feeling seems mutual after the two become unexpected friends, but their connection ends up illuminating sides of themselves that were in the dark, for better or worse.

Benji & Linus

_15 & 16 y.o.

Benji and Linus have been neighbors and best friends since childhood. While video games have always been what linked them together, their teen years have pulled them in different directions: Linus lives for the newest thrill, while Benji would rather focus on what sounds he can sample for his electro-synth music.

They cross paths with Austin after a crazy power outage at their local arcade in Queens, where they learn the dude is a walking battery! Even though the two don't see eye-to-eye on this new ‘BIG BRO’ Linus befriends, Austin sees a bit of himself in the awkward pair of arcade-rats, and accepts this role in stride... even if they do drain him out.

Austin has the 'P0WER' to telepathically activate/deactivate all things electric! But it is involuntary, and after all these years, he still does not actually know how it works. With time, it continues to grow even more unpredictable - and more intense. But he's learned to live with it... most of the time.

Now, in 1987, Austin finds himself in New York City, where this mysterious 'P0WER' thrives. It even begins to serve Austin in ways it never had, providing him with new connections, and a newfound boost of confidence.

It isn't long before he discovers the great potential - and great danger - it makes him capable of in the Metropolitan machine.


When a series of power outages strikes the city, Austin feels he must finally take control of this 'P0WER' that is clearly going haywire. He seeks guidance from those he thinks can help him: his older cousin, Cyrus, and a new friend, Jordan.

Cyrus concludes that it’s time for Austin to finally 'BE A MAN', and offers an opportunity that will get his 'P0WER' and uncertain future "under control" - if Austin can perform. Jordan isn't so sure, and senses something is off about the whole thing. But she is willing to dig deeper with Austin.

Terrified of succumbing to the shadows of what he fears most, Austin entertains both Cyrus and Jordan. It's his last shot, but maybe he will finally (im)prove himself "for good." And maybe...

...he can even become more than anyone ever expected of him...

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